Success Stories

I originally consulted with Brian Dickert for occasional lower back spams and general neck tightness. His gentle alignments definitely improved my back spams right away, and, over a few sessions, worked to improve my neck, releasing the stuck areas, while helping my overall posture. 
Later, after a fall and broken wrist (followed by surgery), I saw him for stress relief, and hip issues (limited range of motion, which developed as a result of the fall). Again, his focus on gentle treatments and increasing range of motion was helpful. 
Brian is a supportive, and intuitive listener and healer. 
Pie Dumas

Network spinal chiropractic with Dr. Dickert dramatically eased my back pain from day 1. The adjustments (I forget what you call them, not adjustments…?) were gentle and relaxing, and I always felt a sense of ease when I left the office. Dr. Dickert was a pleasure to work with, and it obvious he is passionate about the health and wellness of all his clients.

Melissa M.

“In just one month, Brian has improved my posture and head-forward problem immensely.”

Stuart Brown



Last spring, I developed painful swollen joints, fatigue and weight loss. Although tests for a range of disorders such as Lyme disease and rheumatoid arthritis were negative, I seemed to have some type of inflammatory arthritis. Happily, I met Brian while he was doing a demo at Rebecca’s, so I was able to experience his gentle approach to chiropractic care right away. I continued to see Brian for about 8 months, and over that time, my stiffness, pain and fatigue were greatly reduced. Also, my sleep and general energy improved. Although I also used other health care, such as physical therapy and medication for the inflammatory arthritis, the chiropractic treatments provided a nice synergy, seeming to somehow tie it all together. I feel certain, that without it, I would need much stronger medication.
I especially appreciate Brian’s calming manner and his ability to explain things. Brian’s advice about exercise and a low-inflammatory diet were also very helpful. I plan to continue to see him on a monthly basis to continue to keep things in balance.

I wanted to write to you about the change I saw in my 3-year-old daughter after the first time she received an adjustment at your office. The day after the adjustment I took her to her gymnastics class. She had been going to this class once a week for about 8 weeks and had not shown much interest in it. She refused to participate in the activities, clinging to my side instead. If I accompanied her to one of the activities she would grudgingly go along with it to some degree. For the most part she sat on my lap, refusing to talk to the teacher or other children. The day after the adjustment, Emma was a changed person. She eagerly and independently participated in every activity, talked with the teacher, tried new things, and was engaged with the other children. I couldn’t believe it. The teacher even remarked to me that “Emma has certainly blossomed all of a sudden!” and one of the other parents said, “Emma’s a different person today!” The change in her confidence and enjoyment of the class was so great I thought it had to be correlated to the adjustment she received the day before. So, thanks for the good work!

E. B., administrator

I wish to express my gratefulness for the amazing healing I have experienced.. My medical doctor has also said, “Whatever you are doing, don’t stop. I could not prescribe physical therapy that could bring about some of the changes I have seen in your gait.” My deep abdominal breathing has improved markedly and my singing has also as a result. This brings me my greatest joy; therefore, I am also in your debt for this tremendous benefit in my life. Much love and thanks.
J. F., student of life

“Dr. Dickert has been my chiropractor for at least 7 years. I marvel at how my entrainment sessions with him have significantly reduced the frequency and severity of the sciatica I have in both legs. Even with scoliosis, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia, I am making steady gains in my postural alignment, thanks to Brian. When I step off a curb wrong, bump my head when getting groceries out of my car, turn or twist or fall, etc. there is a shift causing tension in my jaw, knees, or other joints in my body. Brian is able to address the spinal imbalances, wisely and gently. I also have a history of bulging disks at C5, L4 and L5 and Brian has reduced my neck stiffness and low back pain and tightness connected to this. I consider Brian to be a Charlottesville treasure.”

Alice G

We trusted Brian with our daughter when she 8 years old. She developed torticollis after a playground accident. The doctors said it would require months of PT to correct, but Brian had her back on the playground in a week! We have brought her back time and again to address new issues. He is great with children (and our now teenager). He puts them at ease immediately and is so gentle.

Dawn W

I appreciated Brian’s gentle approach that allowed a subtle physical and mental shift in wellbeing. Very different type of chiropractic. My sense is that it works at a deeper and more subtle level. While I’d like to understand the mechanism, I’m satisfied  with just reaping the benefits!

Cynthia M