Come to Rebecca’s Natural Food for a Free Demonstration

Stop by Rebecca’s on Tuesday, March 22nd from Noon – 3PM for a Free demonstration

Dr. Brian will be at Rebecca’s to demonstrate how a light touch can dissipate tension and stress and begin to reorganize your spine and nerve system to higher levels of function.


  • A Reorganized Spine is More Flexible
  • A Reorganized Spine is Less Reactive
  • A Reorganized Spine leads to a more resourceful, adaptable body

What are Mirror Neurons and How to Benefit from Using Them

How to benefit from one of the most important discoveries in neuroscience in the last decade
How to benefit from utilizing Mirror Neurons.

The discovery that watching the actions of others activates similar neural circuitry, as if we were doing the action, has been called one of the greatest discoveries in neuroscience in the last decade.

How can you use this knowledge to upgrade your nervous system with new behaviors and perceptions? Surround yourself with people who are better than you in what you are trying to accomplish. Play with better guitarists, run with better runners, be around better investors, be in the company of serial entrepreneurs, hang out with philanthropists.

Is there someone who embodies multiple aspects of their professional and personal lives that you admire? Ask them to be your mentor.

We all have the basic hardware, and we build our own software by what we habitually do until it becomes effortless. If there is something you are struggling with doing on your own, or you have reached a plateau, being around someone who is better or more efficient will prime the circuitry in your system, putting you “in entrainment” for those behaviors and perceptions, thus making it easier for you to get there on your own, with practice.

Day of Giving

The holiday season can be a time of stress and rushing around.
Take this special opportunity to take care of yourself while helping others.

Sunday, December 2nd from 3-5 PM

1982 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 1

Call 434-227-7149 for details or an appointment

Dr. Brian Dickert will be donating $20 of every Network Spinal Analysis Entrainment to Children, Youth and Family Services of Charlottesville.

  • Refreshments and Snacks Provided
  • Door Prizes
  • Gift Certificates: Share the gift of health and wellness with friends and family
  • Entrainments: by appointment from 3-4:30
  • Free Group Class: Somato Respiratory Integration at 4:30

Children, Youth and Family Services, Inc.

Dying for more Energy?

A recent article in the New York Times raises awareness of the harmful effects of “Energy” beverages.  I can understand the need to feel energized to do a presentation, or get through a workout, or to just fight traffic in the morning.

Another question you may ask yourself is:  Is there another way?  I had plenty of energy as a kid without artificial stimulants, what is different now?

The first suggestion I would make to someone who feels the need for stimulants is to replace the simple carbs (white flour, white rice, white potatoes) and sugars in their diet with quality vegetables and healthy fats.  What is missing in the former is nutrients, the latter contains vitamins, minerals and fatty acids which fuel your nervous system and brain.

Next, get moving!  Movement is the key to energizing your body, and the benefits are long lasting and wide ranging.

Lastly, take care of your spine and nerve system.  Stress is pervasive, when stressed we don’t always make the best decisions – especially with food.  People under regular Network Spinal Analysis care report and improved ability to think and concentrate (without stimulants).

We all want to be present, alert and full of energy.  You can have this, and be healthy too by taking care of your body and giving it what it needs.

For a free consultation to find out how you can breakthrough to a new level of health and well being call:

Brian Dickert, D.C. 434-227-7149

How does Network Spinal Analysis Change Peoples Lives?

“A central tenant of Network Spinal Analysis is that change rarely comes directly from the area in the body that is defensive, guarded and wounded.  Instead, it comes after the individual becomes aware of the area where resources exist.  Meaningful change comes when a place of connection is brought to awareness and “inspires” or entrains other parts of the system.”

Reorganizational Healing: A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behavior Change, Holistic Practice and Healing. Volume 15, Number 5,  P. 477

When your nervous system cannot adapt to current stress and energy demands, the spine, muscles and vertebrae are locked into a limited range of expression.  The Spinal Entrainment contact, unique to Network Spinal Analysis, allows the nervous system to “reset” and reorganize through spinal awareness.

The reorganization of the nervous system is demonstrated by improved posture, more energy, wider range of emotions expressed. Lifestyle changes including: change in diet and exercise habits, change in long term behavior like career or a relationships.  All these findings and more have been associated with those receiving Network Spinal Analysis Care.

Eat Good Fats, Be Healthy!

Eat Good Fats, Be Healthy!

By Dr. Brian

     I recently read Eat Fat, Look Thin, by Bruce Fife, N.D., and Tim Ferriss’s book, The 4 Hour Body and with the help of those books I’ve made changes in my diet that had been relatively the same for over 20 years.

Before I talk about what I changed, I should begin with what I was eating and why I ate it.  In 1989 I started cycling for recreation and racing.  The conventional wisdom at the time was for distance athletes to consume large portions of carbohydrates to fuel sustained efforts from long training rides.  I didn’t eat processed foods, but over the years my consumption of healthy oils and fats like butter and olive oil became fairly low.  I ate a vegetarian diet that consisted of around 65% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 15% fat, a diet that would fit in with the recommendations of Dr. Dean Ornish or the American Heart Association.

The AHA recommendations are based on the theory, introduced in the late 1950’s by Ancel Keyes, that a diet low in fat, specifically saturated fats will reduce the risk of artery disease, heart attack and stroke. Following their recommendations, if you remove dietary fat, you should lower your risk from heart attack and stroke.

As many people changed their diets, vegetable oils became popular.  In the 1980’s manufactured “low-fat” foods and “no-fat” foods became available.  In Eat Fat, Look Thin, Fife states, “from 1910 to 1970 butter consumption fell from 17 pounds per person each year, to 4 pounds.   During the same period, consumption of “healthy” vegetable oils (margarine and shortening) increased 400%.”

Ancel Keyes’  “lipid hypothesis” of disease has some good points, but it is not a complete picture.  It doesn’t account for cultures that eat high amounts of saturated fats but have little incidence of heart disease, and it doesn’t explain the high incidence rates of heart disease and stroke even though dietary consumption of fat has decreased over the last 40 years from 40% to 32% of total calories.

What the lipid hypothesis didn’t take into account was a sharp rise in mechanically processed foods starting in with the industrial revolution.  Sugar, white flour, and pre-prepared foods were now more readily available.  Also, the consumption of rancid, heated or processed oils, now known as “trans fats” increases systemic inflammation which increases heart disease and stroke (even if the oil starts out as a “healthy oil”.  Meanwhile other cultures that didn’t have the advancements of the industrial revolution just kept eating the same diet they had been for thousands of years, and their rates of disease stayed the same.

About the time Keys was promoting his lipid hypothesis, others were promoting different ideas.  Researchers Alan Kekwick and Gaston Pawan found that when overweight participants of a study were given calorically similar diets that differed in protein, fat or carbohydrates the ones on the high carbohydrate diets gained weight, but those on high protein or high fat diets lost weight.

A more recent study at Harvard Medical School used two groups of people on calorically similar diets, but one had 35% of the total calories from fat, the other 20%.  What do you think the results were?  The ones who ate more fat lost an average of 9 lbs., and the other group, they gained an average of 6.3 pounds, which is a difference of 15 pounds!

Fats Are Important

Fats make up the membrane of the cell – the outer shell that holds it together.  Your brain is composed of 60% fat and cholesterol.  Dietary fats are used to make hormones that control body functions. Vitamin D, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA are made from cholesterol.  Hormones are the main regulators of metabolism, development, reproduction and many other processes.  In addition, a diet lacking in fat can reduce the efficiency of your immune system and make your more susceptible to disease.

Starting in the 1960’s, saturated fats got a bad reputation and the market for vegetable oils skyrocketed.  Did your parents have a large vat of Crisco too?  Vegetable oils are high in poly-unsaturated fats, and they are made mostly from seeds like sunflower, safflower, canola and vegetables like soybeans and corn.  Extracting oils from seeds and vegetables was almost impossible without the utilization of the hydraulic press.  Vegetable oils have only been a part of the human diet for less than 150 years.

Conversely, coconut, palm, butter, tallow, olive oil and lard are high in saturated fats.  They have been a staple in the diet of civilizations for thousands of years.  To this day if you go to rural Pakistan you will find people using butter and goat fat, in rural China: lard, India: ghee, and in Italy and Greece: olive oil.

On the islands of Pukapuka and Tokelau in the South Pacific you will find people who, for the most part, are isolated from Western culture and influence. Their native diet remains what it has been for centuries. The standard diets on both islands are high in saturated fat derived from coconuts.  Every meal contains coconut in some form, from green coconuts for drinking, the meat of the coconut, and coconut oil for cooking.  In the 1960’s a long term health study was completed on the islanders, and despite a diet high in saturated fats the population of 2,500 was found to be healthy.  Some of the findings of the study were:

  1. No signs of kidney disease.
  2. No signs of hypothyroidism.
  3. No high blood cholesterol.
  4. Ideal height to weight ratios.
  5. Digestive problems were rare.
  6. Heart disease, colitis, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulitis, and appendicitis were all unfamiliar conditions on the islands.

They weren’t following the American Heart Association guidelines of 30% of calories from fat, and no more than 10% should be saturated.  The islanders obtained close to 60% of their calories from fat, most of it in the form of saturated fats from coconuts.  Ian Prior, M.D., one of the researchers stated, “Vascular disease is uncommon in both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect in these populations.” Other islanders who left for New Zealand were also tracked and Dr. Prior commented, “The more an islander takes on the ways of the West, the more prone he is to succumb to our degenerative diseases…gout, diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, and hypertension.”

A saturated fat is one that has no double bonds between the individual carbon atoms.  This makes it less prone to going rancid and forming trans-fats. Oils higher in poly-unsaturated fats go rancid easier, in the presence of air, heat or light.  This is why it is important to keep oils, especially olive oil in your refrigerator.

High fat diets – are they good or bad?  What do you do when faced with opposing health information?  Use your body as a guide.  How do you feel?  Do you have energy in the morning?  If you wanted to sprint 100 yards to beat an impending downpour, could you?  Have you had your blood values tested lately?  Take your body measurements: weight, body fat percentage.  These will all tell you if you are on the right track.

What do I eat now?  Since reading The 4 Hour Body, I have significantly lowered the amount of carbohydrates I consume in a day.  To make up for the loss of calories I am eating more eggs, and more fat in the form of butter and coconut oil.  I’ve lost 5 pounds and have stayed there for 5 months, and I’ve lost an inch from my waist.

The change in my body I’m most impressed with is one I didn’t realize was a problem.  In 2006 when we moved to our new house I over-worked my body and it took its toll on my hands; you could say I was having “arthritis” symptoms: painful, swollen hand joints.  I didn’t think it was serious, and after the initial “flare-up” in 2006 it improved, but another episode would occur if I used my hands a lot when engaging in an activity like gardening or waxing the car.  For the most part I became used to my hands being a little bit sore and stiff all the time.  About two months into the diet change I noticed my hands were moving more freely, and the joints didn’t look as swollen and enlarged.

How will you know your diet is working for you?  Within a couple months of adding healthy oils to your diet and removing vegetable oils, you should notice a difference in energy, weight, body dimensions, body fat, and joint mobility. I’ve combined healthy oil intake with an increase in protein and I haven’t felt this great in years.

Keys to Good Health with Healthy Fats:

  • Use the wisdom of cultures who have used whole foods for thousands of years, and be skeptical of manufactured foods offering “low fat” goodness.
  • Healthy fats are essential for cellular, hormonal and nerve system health.
  • Coconut oil for sautéing and extra virgin olive oil for topping salad and other dishes are essentially the only two oils you need.
  • Use healthy oils, and you won’t have to worry about the harmful effects of industrially produced and chemically altered oils.

12/23/2011 Update:

For a more scientific article from Dr. Ron Rosedale on the importance of eating good fats, read this article:

What does a chiropractor do when they injure their spine?

When you combine stubbornness with improper form it can lead to an injury. Ten days ago I was moving an area rug to a different room. This required removing all the furniture since the rug left only a foot of floor around all edges. I was getting impatient when I got to the filing cabinets and tried to lift them (while still full) and slide the rug underneath. In order to slide the rug while lifting I had to stand far away from the cabinet thus putting way too much strain on my back. Needless to say this wasn’t a good idea.

I did get smarter with the second filing cabinet and asked my son to slide the carpet while I lifted, but the damage had been done. Although, I didn’t know this right away. I still felt fine for the next few hours and continued my weekend chores. I cut the grass, worked in the garden, then I started moving some stones from the stream bed to the stream bank. Within minutes I was getting nauseated and felt pain in my mid back, I had done way too much.
At this point what would a chiropractor do to “fix” their injured spine?

  • Did I take an anti-inflammatory?
  • Did I ice the area?
  • Did I put heat on the area?
  • Did I use Arnica?
  • Did I have the area of pain adjusted?

Before I answer those questions, it should be known that this wasn’t the first time I’ve injured this area of my spine, although it had been many years since it had bothered me.

This area of my spine was painful a couple times of year in my mid twenties, then about 10 years ago after being in practice for a few years I noticed my spine was sore after a full day of work.  I  realized I had poor mechanics when working with people, and my body had become weak from a lack of exercise. I had no interest in a temporary fix from a pain reliever just so I could re-injure myself again from using the same poor mechanics with a weak core.
As I was writing this I saw this post from Donald Epstein, which explains what I was thinking ten years ago, and what I was also thinking this past week.

Each moment the question is the same..Do I wish to go BACK to my familiar life and be restored, or do I choose to go beyond anything before?

I noticed a pattern in my life and took steps to make my body stronger than it ever was. I started doing Pilates exercises and increased the frequency of my workouts. About this time I started attending J’s Gym, the first time in my life I consistently went to any gym, previously choosing to workout on my bike.

After a few months my back wasn’t an issue anymore and I was fit for the first time in my life. I didn’t have to protect my spine by limiting anything I did for fear of being in pain.  I felt powerful in knowing I had changed my body and changed a harmful pattern of movement.

Now back to the present. Today I did my first full workout at the gym, everything feels great even after having a relapse over the weekend, here is what I did to “fix” myself:

I lived my life as normal as possible, I went to work, I tried to keep mobile, which included some indoor cycling and walking. My spinal care consisted of one Network Spinal Analysis entrainment more than usual (my usual is once a week). I wasn’t comfortable enough to do my twice a week yoga routine so I skipped this until yesterday. I also added this Egoscue Exercise to my normal routine, which I did for 10 minutes a day. (The Egoscue Exercises I have been doing for over 10 years, but had been skipping it lately).

A couple of days of the last week it was difficult to do anything because of the discomfort,  so I rested much more than usual and did some reading, but I know with the way I train my body I would be able to recover quickly. I also knew I wouldn’t need any extra help, this included pain relievers, ice/heat, gels, or manipulation of the “stuck” area. I had full confidence in my bodies’ ability to self regulate it’s own tension, and I also knew the pain was protection, the pain prevented me from doing too much. I didn’t want to artificially “feel better” until the tissues, muscles, tendons and ligaments actually were better.

I know this isn’t the path most people take, even most chiropractors, but it is the one that works for me.  I know I am listening to my bodies’ cues. I am not ingesting anything that is harmful to my body or dulling my senses.  Ultimately I come out of the process more inspired with how my body heals.